幸野楳嶺 BAIREI KONO(1844〜1895)
推進する中で京都府画学校の設立をする。 また、栖鳳・玉堂・松園等
再版には、明治期に木版画で出版した「楳嶺花鳥画譜」の原版木 を用い、
Bairei Kono 1844-1895, was born and active in Kyoto,
the old imperial town. He studied Japanese style painting with
Nakajima Raisho and Shiokawa Bunrin. In 1881 he opened
his own art school. Takeuchi Seiho became one of his students.
The emphasis of Bairei Kono's art work was on kacho-e, images
of birds and flowers. In 1893 he was honored by becoming
a member of the Art Committee of the Imperial Household.
サイズ :絵ータテ17.0×ヨコ23.0cm
素材 :紙ー越前和紙
備考 本品はシートのみの価格となっております。額装をご希望の方は、