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1883ǯ¡ÊÌÀ¼£16ǯ¡Ë5·î18Æü - 1957ǯ¡Ê¾¼ÏÂ32ǯ¡Ë11·î7Æü¡Ë
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Hasui KAWASE 1883-1957 Living National Treasure
He is one of the best known artists of the "Shin Hanga" (new prints) movement.
His prints, landscapes and townviews, were created in traditional Japanese style
with Western elements.In the fires following the devastating earthquake in 1923,
over a hundred blocks produced so far, were destroyed. In 1956, one year before his death,
the artist was declared a Living National Treasure.
This print is NAKAJIMA SHOBISYA printed from original blocks.
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